Good morning, District 5& 6 Community
We will be having a Safety Follow Up Conversation from our June 4th Safe Denver Conversation re: 800 S. Oneida St. Thank you to those who participated in the Safety Community Conversations with Mayor Mike Johnston, Councilmembers Amanda Sawyer, Paul Kashmann, and city officials from across the interagency. They valued the opportunity to discuss safety concerns and ideas for how the city can support neighborhood safety with you.
The Mayor's Office of Community Outreach, the Office of Social Equity and Inclusion (OSEI), and the Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) will provide an update at this meeting on the actions taken based on the feedback received during the June Safety Meetings re: 800 S. Oneida St. Below is information where you can RSVP to let us know if you can attend our follow up meeting. We ask that you please share with your networks and distribution lists, to ensure as many folks in our community as possible have the opportunity to join us.
Follow Up Safety Community Conversation Re: 800 S. Oneida Street
Council Districts 5 & 6
Wednesday, September 18th from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM, Doors Open 5PM
2500 E. 4thAve, Denver, CO 80206
to RSVP for the event, please click here
To recap here are the top issues many of you shared with us from PNI Safety Community Conversations:
June 4th – 800 S. Oneida St. (Follow Upon Wed. September 18th)
Our team is working to coordinate with city agencies to act on these top concerns and the other feedback and ideas surfaced at the meeting. We value your time and active involvement. If you have any further questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to me via email at
*It is your right to access oral or written language assistance, sign language interpretation, real-time captioning via CART, or disability-related accommodations. To request any of these services at no cost to you, please contact Sterling Simms (720) 737-4787 with three business days’ notice.
*Es suderecho adquirir interpretación y traducción de información en su lenguajenatal, interpretación de lenguaje de señas, subtítulos en tiempo real a travésde CART, o acomodaciones relacionadas a alguna discapacidad. Para solicitarcualquier de estos servicios sin costo alguno para usted, contacte a Sterling Simms (720) 737-4787 con tres(3) días de anticipación.
With gratitude,
Sterling Simms | Operations Coordinator
Office of the Mayor | City and County of Denver
p: (720) 737-4787 | cell: (303) 506-1145
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