Updated, 2/5/2024:
This is an update from the DRCOG team
Presentation by Nora Kern, from May 2024 WPENA General Meeting
This is a quick update on where we are in the project and our next steps. We have wrapped up our analysis of transportation, crash, and infrastructure data along the corridor. If you’re curious I’ve attached a summary of the highlights of the existing conditions analysis.
We also completed our first round of engagement at the end of last year, focused on priorities for the corridors, concerns people have with how Alameda operates today, and ideas for the future.
The project team is now developing potential recommendations to address the concerns that were highlighted by the community and through the existing conditions analysis. We are planning to go back to the community to get feedback on the draft recommendations when they are assembled, later this spring.
Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) is leading a study of Alameda Avenue in partnership with the City and County of Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, Glendale, the Colorado Department of Transportation, and the Regional Transportation District (RTD). The goal is to develop a shared vision for the corridor from Wadsworth Blvd. to the R-Line in Aurora.
The study aims to improve mobility and safety for all users and plan for future transit investments, while still preserving the character of the corridor. The study will identify mobility and safety issues and result in recommendations for transportation improvements that will enhance the corridor – making it safer and more accessible for all road users.
DRCOG is currently collecting feedback to understand community concerns with safety, mobility or other transportation along the Alameda Corridor.
You can learn more about the study, provide feedback about your experiences along Alameda, and sign up for a focus group discussion on the project website.